Hassle-Free Donation

Know the journey your donations should capture to create the desired impact.

The best online crowdfunding platforms will have clear, easy-to-find information on their platforms about

Where does your money go?
The platform should inform how your money gets to the charity you chose. Even if a charity is verified on an online fundraising platform, you should still do some research on that charity. Fees-The website should clearly state if the platform has a fee before sending the rest to your chosen charity.


Online fundraising platforms should say how long it will take for the charity to get your donation.


The website should clearly state if the platform or another intermediary will keep part of your donation as a fee before sending the rest to your chosen charity. Consider whether the charity would get more of your donation if you donated directly.


Just in case your donation can’t be sent to the charity you chose, the website should say what happens to it — and how often that happens.


Your information
Check if you can choose whether or not your information is shared with the charity — or anyone else.